Free Ebook BookResilience Curriculum Teach K-12 Students How to Win in School and LIfe (Volume 1)

Get Resilience Curriculum Teach K-12 Students How to Win in School and LIfe (Volume 1)

Get Resilience Curriculum Teach K-12 Students How to Win in School and LIfe (Volume 1)

Get Resilience Curriculum Teach K-12 Students How to Win in School and LIfe (Volume 1)

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Get Resilience Curriculum Teach K-12 Students How to Win in School and LIfe (Volume 1)

“A truly new and original book would be one which made people love old truths. - MARQUIS DE VAUVENARGUES (1715-1747) In short, RISE is a belief in our students and creates a belief within them about themselves. Traditional education focuses on cognitive skills, i.e. facts, analysis, evaluation etc….which our essential. However, RISE curriculum embeds the best cognitive approaches with non-cognitive or character skills. Studies and data are now showing non-cognitive skills such as confidence, persistence, and resiliency are even more essential than academic knowledge to success in school and life. The practices are based on lessons which have withstood time, are taken from ancient philosophies and teachings of different cultures to current scientific studies. These practices are practical answers about how we succeed and win but have been all but lost in a modern culture where the focus is on distractions, spectacles, and entertainment. The passages are tools to learn to deal with the challenges of life on life’s own terms. The practices answer questions about how to build resilience, how to have a better quality of life, and, ultimately, how to succeed. The practices are arranged in a progression which builds upon each other. The lessons are prefaced with foundation philosophy and or studies which support the practice. The practices are a great way to begin the day as “morning messages” but can be utilized at anytime. Teaching the practices at a certain time each day promotes routine, consistency, classroom management and expectations. The dual-purpose education practice provides students with non-cognitive skills which are essential to be successful in school and life. RISE uses the umbrella of the confidence, perseverance, and resilience model (CPR) to categorize non-cognitive skills. RISE chose these non-cognitive skills, in particular, to guide instruction because they prove to be the highest indicators of success for individuals according to research. Students also work on the necessary grammar, spelling, punctuation and comprehension skills tied to the Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards. The practices are related to social-emotional skills as the learning practices are focused on self awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making, dealing with pressure etc. The goals of these practices are to make possible a RISE belief system within individuals. able to withstand the pitfalls of their world, but any time will provide beneficial. The practices are based from historical teachings, scientific research, and ancient philosophies, comprised of short stories, paragraphs, readings, which are all tied to an inspirational methodology based on practical measures to overcome adversity, hardship, and difficulty. Rather than having students read random articles or stories in Language Arts Components, the practices are meant to provide sound encouragement, from proven strategies, and practical measures. The practices intend to teach flourishing in fact not feeling. Readers gain an understanding about perseverance, strategies for success, resilience, and facilitate a belief system and help provide a sense of self efficacy by learning about strategies which have transcended time, but sadly are all but forgotten. Journal of Curriculum Studies - Canadian Universities JCS 1 (1) November 1968. Editorial (1968) 1 (1) 3-4. Articles. MUSGROVE F. (1968) Curriculum objectives 1 (1) 5-18. OWEN J. G. (1968) Strategies of ... 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